I’m sure you agree with me that working towards your goal is already challenging enough. Unfortunately many of us have to deal with self-sabotaging beliefs at the same time. In this article I would like to share with you a simple way to uncover your negative self beliefs, so that the path towards the fulfillment of your goals can be smoother.
First ask yourself “What do I really want to achieve in my life? What is that one thing that will make me really happy if I get it?”
Next, hold the image of your desired goal in your mind and ask yourself “Can I have it?”
If the answer is no, ask yourself why? This is when all your negative self talk will surface. The easiest way to observe what you are thinking is to check your feelings about your desired goal. Does it feel good when you think about working towards it? Do you hear self-talks like ‘I don’t think I can make it’, ‘ He or she will get it, but not me,’ or ‘I don’t have what it takes to make it happen’ etc etc?
Now there is a good reason why I said observe your feelings instead of your thoughts. It is simply easier to track your emotions than your thoughts because there can be hundreds of thoughts running through your mind any minute, but within this one minute there are usually only one or two emotions.
Once a negative emotion surfaces, ask yourself why are you feeling this way? What thought is behind this bad feeling?
Take a pen and piece of paper and start recording down the first negative self-talk that comes up. Keep track of the emotions that come up and soon you’ll have a long list of reasons why you cannot have what you want.
If your answer to the first question was a ‘yes’, on a scale of 0 to 10 (with 0 being nil possibility and 10 being absolutely possible) rate how likely do you think you will reach your goal. If you have given it a rating of anything below ‘10’, chances are you have some negative self-talk lurking at the back of your mind. Follow the method I have described above to ferret out any remaining negative beliefs. Why keep it when it only gets in the way of your fulfillment?
Here is a simple illustration of the process.
Question: What dreams do I want to fulfill?
Ans: I would like to own a successful internet marketing business. (Image of checking your bank account online every morning and seeing lots of money deposited into your account during the previous night)
Question: Can I fulfill it?
Ans: Feeling: Doubt; Thought: ‘Uh uh…not likely’.
Question: Why not?
Ans: Feeling: Shame; Thought: ‘I’m a lousy writer’.
Question: What else am I feeling?
Ans: Feeling: Inferiority; Thought: “Even if I can write, I’ll never be as good as so and so. I’m just not good enough.
Another feeling emerges: Fear; Thought: ‘Besides if people come to know about it, they will all say it’s wishful thinking. Who do I think I am to be successful at something that nobody I know has ever tried? I’ll be laughed at. People will be envious if I get what I want.’
A third feeling: Shame; Thought: ‘I’m just no good at running a business. Nobody in my family has. What makes me think I can?’
Note that the beliefs that have been uncovered through this simple process are ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘if I’m successful I will make someone unhappy’, ‘I cannot be successful’, and ‘I can’t do it’.
The point is this. Do you feel good when thinking about your goals or do thinking about them makes you feel so bad that you have given up your dream totally? Nothing stirs up negative self-talk more quickly than when we are projecting an image of a desired object in our mind.
It should feel genuinely good to strive for your goals. If it does not, it is best not to do anything until you have cleared all self-doubts, otherwise you will spend precious time and energy running around in circles.
If you need help in eliminating your negative beliefs, I can teach you easy-to-learn techniques that you will bring results in no time. Call me at 65-96980688 or make an appointment here to enjoy a 30 minutes free demo.