How Your Filters Attract You The Wrong Relationships

At any moment in time there are approximately 2 billion pieces of data coming in through our five senses every second, but you are only consciously aware of about 150 bits per second because that’s all your conscious mind can handle. When sights, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings that are constantly being downloaded into your mind, your brain needs a way to let in only information that is useful to you.

This is where your Reticular Activating System (RAS) comes in. Your RAS is a filter within your brain which decides which information that is taken in will actually get the attention of your conscious mind.

So how does your RAS do this? What helps it decide what information is allowed and what gets rejected?

The RAS sorts through the information based your beliefs. Everything that matches your beliefs will be able to pass through this filter. Everything that does not match your beliefs CANNOT pass through the filter!

Let’s say that as a kid growing up you had witnessed how your mother suffered from constant abuse by your father and he happens to be very successful in his career. So when searching for a partner as an adult, you tell yourself you do not want someone like your father. But somehow you keep encountering the same type of men and the same dysfunctional relationships.

What has happened is you have been looking for your man through the filter of ‘successful men are jerks’. Unknowing to you, your RAS has been bringing men of this category to your attention and leaving those in the category of ‘men can be both successful and kind to women’ out of your radar. Even if a highly desirable man with all the qualities that you want is standing right next to you, you will NOT RECOGNISE him!

Sounds depressing right?

Despair not!

The good news is you CAN change your filters so that your RAS will look out for the right partner for you. And you can do that without the fuss and frustration that most people go through.

“But how will I know what do my filters or unconscious beliefs look like?” you may ask.

As a process coach I can teach you how you can easily access your subconscious mind, identify your filters, and apply simple mind transformation processes to quickly collapse the beliefs that hold up your filters. Why rely on someone else to solve your problems when you can equip yourself with the skills to do the same for yourself? If you apply my techniques just for 20 minutes daily, you will become a different person in 2 weeks.

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